January 13, 2017

The Importance of a Good Keyword List

Ever wonder how people search for your business? It’s a great question, and one that our Google-certified experts can help with.

Whether you are revamping your website or launching new one, a SEM (Search Engine Marketing) campaign will help with exposure.

tdg has been running killer adword (pay-per-click) campaigns for years, and we’ve learned that having a good keyword list is where you start. So how do you go about creating that keyword list? Here are a few steps we take with our clients:

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes

Start thinking how your typical customer/client visitor’s search for you. What are their needs? What are they looking for? Keep in mind when people do a Google search they don’t always search exact terms that describe your business, product, etc.

What are your competitors doing?

Do a Google search that calls up your competitors and seek the sites that Google recognizes or that are the highest. Once you are on your competitor’s homepage you can click “view page source.” You will find a keyword list. Review those words and choose relevant terms.

Use the internet – Use Google!

Since google is the leader in search, why not use them? Google has a great keyword tool: Google Keywords Ad Planner.

Once you have an established keyword list in place, it’s time to start advertising. Give tdg a call, we’re here to help!

Insider Tip: If you are using a keyword list to optimize your website, it’s a good idea to come up with another set of keywords to use in your site headers, content, links and body copy.

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