You never forget your first love
Back in 1994, when tdg opened its doors, tourism was our thing. It’s the No. 2 industry in South Dakota, but in the Black Hills it’s probably No. 1. We loved marketing an industry whose stock in trade was fun – hiking, biking, sightseeing, romantic getaways, family adventure.
Tourism requires a deft marketing hand. You need to understand travelers – their likes, dislikes and the experiences they seek. And few industries have been transformed by information technology as much as tourism. Websites, email, social media, SEM, SEO, mobile apps, content marketing. If you want to stay on top of technology trends, tourism is a good place to be.
Over more than two decades, the strategies, tactics and technology we’ve developed in tourism have translated amazingly well to other industries. Manufacturing, utilities, medical and nonprofits all rely to some degree on tapping into the needs and desires of an increasingly disparate public.
Tourism is our first love — and we’re still in love with it.
Today, we have visitor industry clients in South Dakota, Illinois and Montana. We also publish visitor guides for Blackhawk Waterways Convention & Visitor Bureau in Illinois, the Deadwood Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau, the Mitchell, S.D., Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Sundance, Wyo., Chamber of Commerce and other tourism groups.
branding & strategic
graphic design
public relations & earned-media
social media & content marketing
print and video
media placement
web development
mobile marketing