Video Production

Storytelling at 24 frames per second

Show, don’t tell. Whether you’re selling snack chips to 112 million Super Bowl viewers or teaching bicycle technicians how to install a crankset spider, that old adage has taken on a literal meaning in recent years.

Want the world to see the beauty and solitude of your wooded resort? You could write 1,000 words salted with adjectives such as ‘breathtaking,” “impressive” and the ever-meaningless “scenic.” Or you could publish a photo with lush colors under a clear blue sky.

But a drone’s-eye video coasting just above the treetops, then soaring to reveal the rocky outcropping? Cue the “Ride of the Valkyries” soundtrack – now you’re telling a great story. Video is arguably the most effective storytelling medium ever invented. And the state of the technology makes it easier than ever to produce videos.

But here’s the catch

Because video is easy to produce, there is a lot of bad video out there. … Really bad. … Embarrassingly bad. Spend 20 minutes on YouTube, and you’ll get the picture. And even the video footage that’s not bad is often not good. Or not very good. Ever watch a compelling safety video on blood-borne pathogens in the workplace? Neither have we.

Here’s the good news

With all that bad video out there, a well-done, compelling video production will stand out, draw attention and effectively deliver your message. So how do you separate yourself from this webcam pack? Find eye-catching images, shoot high-quality footage, edit it cleanly, and use just enough narrative and text to tell the story.

That’s what we do

At tdg, we produce a variety of television ads and promotional videos for our clients. Our uber-talented video staff does all of the work in-house to better control the quality and be sure the focus remains firmly on the client’s message.


tv commercials

live streaming

corporate videos

pitch videos

still photography

internet shorts

3D animation

cartoon animation

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